Contact UsLPS provides better pipeline design using pipeline hydraulics and surge analysis services. These pipeline engineering services, supported by our experience, form the backbone of capabilities.
Pipeline Hydraulic Studies
LPS uses its own and 3rd party pipeline simulation software to analyze steady-state and transient flow conditions of any type of pipeline. Our work has included water, crude, refined products and gas pipelines. We have designed pipelines, minimized operating costs and helped design the expansion of many pipelines.
Pipeline Surge Analysis and Relief
Using our own or 3rd party pipeline simulation software we have performed surge analysis studies on all types of liquid pipelines.
We have defined potential pipeline over pressure scenarios and specified surge relief systems. We have worked with our clients SCADA group to control pumping and flows to prevent pipeline over-pressures.
Implementation of Simulation-Based Pipeline Trainers
Using LPS-developed technology, we have implemented pipeline trainers that has the same “look and feel” of exixsting pipeline control systems. First, we model your pipeline. The model generates pressure and flow data. The next step is to simulate your SCADA screens. Alternatively, we can interface to a copy of your SCADA system. Then, scenarios are developed to train the pipeline operators. These scenarios can contain abnormal events to train the operator. Also, normal supply/delivery switches can be simulated to train operators on normal operations.
SCADA Applications and Specifications
We specify and design your system and manage its development. We can consolidate requirements for building or upgrading your system.
Operational Analysis
We can identify pipeline flow bottlenecks and build systems to improve your operations. In many cases, we use LPS technology to design these solutions. These studies provide more delivered flow at less operating cost.