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Representative Client List

AMOCO – ARAMCO – British Gas – Camisea Pipelines (Peru)
Caspian Sea Consortium Consolidated Natural Gas – CONOCO Pipeline
Coastal Crude Gathering Systems – Dow Chemical – Enbridge
Key West Pipeline – Kinder Morgan – Mobil Oil – Marathon Oil
– MarkWest – NOVA Gas Pipeline – Solar Turbines – Sunoco
Shell Oil – Targa Grand Prix Pipeline TransCanada – Williams Pipeline – Virginia Natural Gas

Representative Project List

PETROCHINA West-East Natural Gas Pipeline

LPS designed a 4,000 km, 40″ pipeline to transport 1,270 MMSCF/D of gas from the gas fields west of Jingbian to Shanghai. Different compression ratios were considered to determine how they affected the economics of the pipeline. The pipeline crosses desert terrain, making gas discharge temperatures a dominant design factor. Compressor station after-coolers were considered, as well as high-temperature pipeline coating materials. Internal pipe coating was evaluated to minimize friction losses.

Three different compressor vendors were evaluated to consider the effects that large, medium, and small horsepower units had on the number of units required, sparing any unit outage scenarios. Small horsepower units were rejected because they required too many total units, too much piping, and also more stations.

Software was developed to automate the locations of the stations as functions of elevation, compressor station ratio, horsepower available, and flow rate. The final design had 12 compressor stations, with a single compressor at each station. The initial station had two units and gas after-coolers.

A transient analysis was also performed to determine if the cyclical and peak deliveries could be met without depleting linepack. Additional transient analyses were performed to determine the effects of a station outage.


LPS was contracted by BP to perform a steady-state hydraulic analysis of BG Group’s Western Canadian Gas Pipeline. This gas pipeline will transport natural gas from a gas plant south of Fort Nelson, British Columbia, to a terminal on Ridley Island, British Columbia. In a plant on Ridley Island, the natural gas will be converted to LNG. The purpose of this study is to determine the range of pipeline configurations required to transport up to 4500 MMSCFD of gas.

The steady-state analysis portion of this study was performed using GL Noble Denton’s Stoner Pipeline Simulator gas model using the CNGA equation of state. First, compressor station locations were determined. Then, compressor head curve determinations were made using known pipeline flow rates and compressor station discharge pressures.

The deliverables of the study are: 1) The pipeline hydraulics determining the compression requirements to flow at all desired flowrates. 2) The horsepower required at all compressor stations. A report documenting the findings, design basis, method of analysis, assumptions, and conclusions.


We were contracted by Targa to perform hydraulic and surge analysis of the new “To Be Constructed” Grand Prix Pipeline. This pipeline was designed to transport liquid natural gas. We determined the flow capacity of the pipeline for several pumping configurations. From those results, Targa developed a flow expansion plan.

Using those pumping configurations, we performed rigorous surge analysis studies. A scenario was developed for the closure of each mainline valve at several flow rates. For the scenarios that could violate the MOP of the pipeline, we recommended pipeline controls to ensure the integrity of the pipeline would not be violated.

For the inlet and outlet terminals, we worked with the SCADA vendor to specify valve closing times and shutdown setpoints to avoid MAOP violations.


We were contracted by Kinder Morgan to perform hydraulic and surge analysis of the new “To Be Constructed” Utopia Pipeline. This pipeline was designed to transport liquid ethane. We determined the flow capacity of the pipeline for several pumping configurations, with only the suppliers providing the pumping. From those results, Kinder Morgan developed a flow expansion plan.

Using those pumping configurations, we performed rigorous surge analysis studies. A scenario was developed for the closure of each mainline valve at several flow rates. For the scenarios that could violate the MOP of the pipeline, we recommended pipeline controls to ensure the integrity of the pipeline would not be violated.

For the inlet and outlet terminals, we worked with the SCADA vendor to specify valve closing times and shutdown setpoints to avoid MAOP violations.

Prior to startup, we performed pipeline purging and line fill calculations.

CONOCO Pipeline

The objective was to bring a SCADA system online and configure SCADA applications. These applications were a pressure/temperature compensated line balance system, a valve lineup system and automatic control sequence system, a batch tracking system, a hydraulic gradient profile graphics system, and a transient model-based leak detection system. LPS worked with both the SCADA and leak detection vendors to identify problems, recommend solutions, and test improvements to the software systems.

ARAMCO Northern Area Pipeline System Saudi Arabia

This was a network of five pipelines ranging from 20″ to 48″. The object was to significantly increase flow capacity by adding pumping equipment and additional supply sites. Various options were analyzed with a major emphasis on minimizing disruption of existing production and maintaining the safe operation of the system. The result was to define an optimum pipeline network and to selectively increase pumping capacity. After finalizing the optimum network configuration and pumping equipment, a surge study was completed to specify surge relief equipment that will protect that system from inadvertent operations.

Kinder Morgan Pipeline Trainers

Several simulation-based pipeline trainers were developed to train pipeline operators. The models of the pipeline were developed to match the hydraulics of the operating pipeline. The models included as many as 30 pumping stations and simulated batched operation. SCADA functionality implemented included symbol color changes, pump start and valve control dialog boxes, high-pressure shutdown capability and high-pressure alarm generation, functionality to specify setpoints, and the updating of all pressure, flow, and temperature variables on the simulated SCADA screens. Navigation between the pipeline trainer screens was to resemble that of the actual SCADA system. Logic to lock out a pump after a high-pressure trip or an ESD shutdown was implemented. In some cases, SCADA screens were developed in VB or a screen builder. In other cases, an interface to the SCADA database was implemented.

Kinder Morgan Products Terminal

Numerous surge analysis scenarios were analyzed for this large crude oil and refined products terminal. This terminal has over 100 tanks and accepts products from refineries, barges, ships, and pipelines. In like fashion, it pumps refined products to barges, ships, and pipelines. Routes considered were tank to tank, ship to tank, barge to tank, tank to pipeline, and pipeline to tank. Each route considered surge events such as the loss of pumping power and the closure of valves. As this is an ANSI 150 terminal, surge pressures often exceeded MASP. In cases where the MASP was violated, surge relief equipment was specified.

Aramco’s Rabigh to Jeddah Products Pipeline

Analyzed flow performance of a planned products pipeline to transport two grades of gasoline, diesel fuel, jet fuel, and heavy fuel oil. The study analyzed interface sizes, specified transmix tankage requirements, and defined pumping and transmission line sizes. Minimum batch sizes were determined so that transmix volumes could be blended into planned batches without violating contamination levels.

Consolidated Natural Gas

This purpose of this study was to automate the pipeline operation. LPS determined station suction and discharge setpoints, developed a pipeline control strategy, developed an interactive interface that defined available equipment, nominated pipeline flows, and determined optimum pipeline setpoints and required equipment. A SCADA interface was defined to ensure that all required control and simulation data was available to the optimization algorithm and to the higher-level software control system.

Holly - Frontier - Sinclair

We have worked on several projects for “Holly – Frontier – Sinclair”.  Most of these projects were to eliminate “Surge Problems”.  These surge problems were associated with both pipelines and terminals.  Sometimes at terminals, two shippers are pumping into a pipeline.  Improper coordination at these types of terminals can cause surge problems.  We have acted as an intermediator to assist the coordination between these shippers to solve the pumping problems.  The final solution was to work with SCADA programers to provide “permissives” and “lockouts” to prevent pumping against closed valves and pumping down the wrong path.

In other cases we have specified “Surge Relief Systems” to abate surge pressures.  We have also worked with “Surge Skid Fabricators” to coordinate the manufacture and installation of the “Surge Relief Skids”.


Ensite, USA

We were contracted by EnSite USA to perform a two-phase steady state analysis of two large Gas Storage Systems.  During gas withdrawal, these systems were generating liquid slugs which were interfering with gas transmission from the system.  We developed detailed two-phase flow models of these systems and tuned them to match operating flowing conditions.  We then participated in pigging operations to measure liquids extracted during those pigging operations.  The models were adjusted to match those pigging volumes. 

We evaluated the existing liquid removal equipment and performed preliminary simulations to determine how to improve their liquid handling capacity.  We specified a data collection and measurement system to calculate liquid slug volumes.

Virginia Natural Gas

LPS analyzed the demand forecast for a distribution system to determine if the existing line size could support future deliveries. We recommended additional compression and line looping to meet future demands. The critical issue was the precise location and specification of the compressor station.


LPS analyzed the flow performance of an existing ship-loading facility in Colombia. The system consisted of an onshore terminal and pump station, its subsea pipeline system, and the ship-loading units. The primary objective was to control surge pressures of the subsea pipelines and at the ship-loading facilities below maximum allowable surge pressure (MASP) while minimizing surge relief tank sizes.

Oleoducto Crudo Pesado (OCP)

The OCP Project is proposing to construct a new heavy oil 488 km pipeline to an existing terminal on the Pacific coast of Ecuador. Crudes ranging from 16 to 24 degrees API will be transported without batching. It was determined that the crudes to be transported should be heated at each pump station to allow the use of centrifugal pumps and to reduce frictional pressure losses along the pipeline. The sensitivity of crude temperature to pipeline capacity was analyzed to determine optimal heating temperatures to minimize operating costs.

Markwest Hydrocarbons

The client planned to expand a pipeline system to tie in other gas plants and to minimize trucking of NGL products. LPS performed a series of hydraulic analysis cases to ensure that the new operating pressures required by the new and higher flows would not exceed the MAOP ratings. It was determined that in some operating scenarios, a portion of the pipeline system could be over-pressured. Isolation valves and surge relief equipment were specified. Pumping requirements were specified.

Currently, we are implementing a “mass balance” leak detection system on the updated pipeline configuration.

Keywest Pipeline

Keywest Pipeline desired to automate its jet fuel pipeline to monitor inlet flow, outlet flow, pump, and valve status. The purpose of the automations was to determine if the pipeline was developing a leak. Another requirement was to monitor pipeline valve status so that if a valve was closing when the pumps were operating, the pumps would be tripped off.

LPS was contracted to develop and commission a Wi-Fi-based system to monitor the pipeline instrumentation and equipment status. We integrated our existing mass balance leak detection system (MBLDS) into the data acquisition system to analyze system flows and declare potential leaks.

As the wireless networks have evolved, we are currently upgrading the system from 3G to 4G.